The advantage of gummies

Gummie is a highly dosed nutricosmetic, with a delicious fruity taste that allows for optimal bioavailability and superior effectiveness to capsules or tablets. No constraint: no need to accompany it with a glass of water or to take it only in the morning. Ideal for people who cannot swallow capsules or tablets.

The vitamin gummy is ideal to treat yourself while taking care of yourself! For visible and effective results, it is recommended to take each of our products for at least 3 months.

What is nutricosmetics?

It is a new generation of beauty products that work from the inside out to improve the external appearance of various parts of the body, such as skin, hair, nails, etc. The term comes from the contraction of "nutrition" and "cosmetic".

Lashilé Beauty Commitments

Lashilé Beauty is an expert in nutricosmetics but also an exemplary laboratory for our community and our planet:

- Certified Vegan: We have privileged vegan formulas in order to respect the environment, the ecosystem as well as animal life. All our products are certified EVEVEGAN01

- Not tested on animals: our finished products are not tested on animals at any stage of their development and production. The raw materials used in their composition are not tested on animals either.

- Gluten-free

- Lactose free

- GMO-free

- Fully recyclable container

From what age can we consume the cures?

Our Good Clean formula is allowed from the age of 12. The rest of our formulas are allowed from the age of 16.

Are Lashilé Beauty treatments mixed?

Lashilé Beauty formulas are equally effective for women and men.


- Good Hair Women and Good Love Women are exclusively for women.

- Good Hair Men, Good Beard and Good Love Men are exclusively for men.

Can I combine several cures?

All Lashilé Beauty formulas are cumulative! However, we recommend that you limit yourself to a maximum of 4 treatments depending on your priorities.